Tag Archives: spuds

Getting the spuds in

We are way behind this year! The cold weather has delayed us by so long, we have only just begun to reclaim our polytunnel growing – more on that later. Planning to work on that though has kind of put us out of kilter with seed planting. But we did get the seed potatoes out chitting early, the end result being very wrinkled looking seeds that may or may not have passed their best.

The snow lasted two weeks over March and April. Thankfully we’d used the milder weather mid-Feb to dig and manure the potato bed. All that January planning paid off.

Next job….how to re-skin a poly tunnel :-/

Snow 6th April
Snow 6th April
Getting the spuds in
Getting the spuds in
Potato bed dug over and spuds in the ground
Potato bed dug over and spuds in the ground